Handmade Heroes Dry Shampoo Review

Handmade Heroes Dry Shampoo Review

Hello people of the internet!

I hope you’re all well!

I’ve actually been wanting to share this with you all for quite some time, but I wanted to spend the right amount of time using this product before blogging about it. So without further ado, I present to you all the Drop Dead Gorgeous Dry Shampoo!

Who are Handmade Heroes?

The Drop Dead Gorgeous Dry Shampoo was created by Handmade Heroes, which is a company that was founded in January 2015 and have based all of their products on the value of an all-natural lifestyle. Handmade Heroes pride themselves in their ability to make all of their products from natural ingredients and make sure that their products are void of preservatives, synthetic chemicals and parabens. As Handmade Heroes are based in the U.S, they actively make sure that their packaging is approved by the FDA (the U.S Food and Drugs Administration) and is BPA free. The Handmade Heroes products are also certified by PETA as both cruelty free and vegan.

Handmade Heroes Drop Dead Gorgeous Dry Shampoo

Surprisingly, this was the first time that I had ever used any kind of dry shampoo, and I was kind of curious to learn more because of all the negative stories that were being shared on social media about dry shampoo. (Just to be clear, I’m referring to the negative stories about the dry shampoo that are made of foam and tons of chemicals.) It was generally quite reassuring to know that this product is vegan, so of course I knew that there wasn’t going to be any problems when using it. The dry shampoo is made with hints of peppermint and soothes with lavender and eucalyptus. Known for its absorption abilities to trap toxins and impurities, the activated charcoal leaves the scalp healthy, balanced and odourless.


My initial thoughts when I opened the bottle were actually that the shampoo smells just like the Love Hearts sweets; I always love a natural product that smells great too! On the packaging it said it would take 5 minutes to use, but truthfully it took me 10 minutes to do so, then again that could be more to do with the fact that I have long and thick hair. Having long and thick hair is quite high maintence and I usually end up having to wash my hair every two days just to keep it from getting greasy. I had to leave my hair quite greasy a few times just to test it out properly and it managed to dry the oil at the top of my hair quite well to the point that it was not visible at all. Generally, I didn’t need a lot of product on my hair for it to do to its magic, I was definitely pleased with the change from oily to clean hair. The bottle itself is travel size so it’s perfect to take with you when you’re on the go or to use after a workout (or if you’re just feeling lazy).
Aaaand after!
The Handmade Heroes Drop Dead Gorgeous Dry Shampoo is available for you all to buy on Amazon for £5.90. On that note, I want to thank the people at Handmade Heroes for sending me this amazing product to try out and review for you all.
I hope you all enjoyed my Handmade Heroes Dry Shampoo Review.

Click here to read more hair care reviews. 


Happy Sunday to you all! 🙂

I hope you’ve all had a great weekend and enjoyed all the crazy sales.

Today my source of inspiration comes from one of my friends, who has created a social media campaign to pause, reflect and celebrate our achievements of this year. The motto for the campaign is “Hold the New Year Resolutions, Have an End of Year Reflection!”

To share the positivity, you can post a tweet on something that you have achieved, are proud of, have accomplished or learnt in 2016, using the hashtags #EOYR2016 (End of Year Reflection 2016) or #2016Accomplishment on Twitter or Instagram. Just so you know, the first hashtag is the most important, so please try to use this even if you can’t use the other!

I’ll be adding mine on my Instagram account and a link to the post on Twitter, I would love to see what you all have to say, so please do take part share and spread the word! ☺♥

Too Faced: Cruelty-Free status

Hi guys,

How are you all doing today? I’ve been stuck inside with the cold all day.

Have Too Faced sold out?

Yesterday, I found out that the Estée Lauder group, the cosmetics chain that owns companies like MAC and Bobbie Brown, bought Too Faced for approximately $1.45 billion (£1.16 billion), which is one of the largest acquisitions that Estée Lauder has made so far. However the main problem with Too Faced’s, (does that sound grammatically correct?), new parent company is their willingness to test on animals for the sake of making profit in China.

Now I won’t discuss China in-depth, but for those of you who are new to the world of all things cruelty free, China legally requires cosmetics to be tested on animals ergo any cosmetic company that sells in China is not cruelty free. There are some companies that insist that their products remain cruelty free across other nations and continents, for example here in the U.K, some companies claim that the products that are sold here are in no way subject to testing but their policies seem to be quite shady.

Too Faced: Cruelty-free status

As far as Too Faced is concerned, co-founder Jerrod Blandino, spoke out about the acquisition via his Instagram to confirm (and possibly to convince) their followers and customers that they will continue to be “a champion for animals”. Generally, I’m hoping that Too Faced can influence other companies to stand firm on their anti-animal testing stance and that people will continue to support them as well as other companies that are cruelty free, but are owned by companies that do test, to show that cruelty free products are not just a trend or phase.

Too Faced Vegan makeup

One thing that I didn’t notice until now was the fact that Too Faced actually have a list of which products are specifically vegan on the FAQ page of their website, which is a pretty handy thing to use if you’re unsure of what is vegan or if you just can’t remember.


My favourite Too Face products 🙂

I love buying new makeup, it’s like an all year round Christmas! Are you guys loyal to any particular cruelty free and/or vegan brand? Let me know which brands you love!

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