Lately I’ve been reading Sophia Amoruso’s ‘#GIRLBOSS’ as a source of inspiration. Now I know what some of you may be thinking – probably something along the lines of “you’re so late”. I’ll be honest I’m not the biggest fan of biographies and as mean as this may sound I bought this book after reading the headlines about Nasty Gal’s bankruptcy, and Amoruso’s complete detachment from the company, on purpose to see if her writing was still just as inspiring.

Having read through the book, I can honestly say that Amoruso is extremely relatable and it’s refreshing to read about someone who’s had her fair share of hurdles. Despite the problems she’s faced, her persistence manages to get her through everything. I wanted to share this quote from the book with you all.

“Your challenge as a #GIRLBOSS is to dive headfirst into things without being too attached to the results. When your goal is to gain experience, perspective, and knowledge, failure is no longer a possibility. Failure is your invention.” – Sophia Amoruso

This particular part of the book resonated with me, as not only is Amoruso’s success on her own terms but she equally embraces and owns her failures (just so you know it’s in Chapter 7). It’s needless to say that no matter what problems Sophia Amoruso faces – she’ll manage. I did a little research into what she’s been up to lately and as of last year she’s set up her own podcast called GirlBoss.com, based on her biography, in which she interviews and talks to like-minded women.

We all go through hurdles, whether that be in our personal or professional lives but if we don’t persist and try to overcome the hurdles that we have, then we’ll never get anywhere. Keep working towards whatever you’ve been trying to achieve – don’t be afraid of failure and looking at things from a different perspective. ☺♥

I hope you enjoyed my #GIRLBOSS review, for more inspirational posts, click here.

Click here to get your own copy of  #GIRLBOSS – Sophia Amoruso.


Happy Sunday to you all! 🙂

I hope you’ve all had a great weekend and enjoyed all the crazy sales.

Today my source of inspiration comes from one of my friends, who has created a social media campaign to pause, reflect and celebrate our achievements of this year. The motto for the campaign is “Hold the New Year Resolutions, Have an End of Year Reflection!”

To share the positivity, you can post a tweet on something that you have achieved, are proud of, have accomplished or learnt in 2016, using the hashtags #EOYR2016 (End of Year Reflection 2016) or #2016Accomplishment on Twitter or Instagram. Just so you know, the first hashtag is the most important, so please try to use this even if you can’t use the other!

I’ll be adding mine on my Instagram account and a link to the post on Twitter, I would love to see what you all have to say, so please do take part share and spread the word! ☺♥

One year on

Hi everyone,

Happy Sunday! I hope you all have had a great weekend and are all well.

It’s my first blogiversary! 🎂🎉  I cannot believe that my blog is officially one years old. One year on and I feel like I’ve gone through a steep learning curve from making my own content to managing the accounts and learning about so many different topics in one go. I must admit that I do love the fact that there is a never ending learning process when it comes to blogging in general and that there are constant changes happening in terms of animal cruelty policies, eco fashion and sustainability.

Over the course of the year I have met so many amazing and passionate people who like me are trying to make a positive impact. It is genuinely so inspiring to see the amount of people that share the same passion and try to do whatever they can to help animals and the environment, there is such a long list of other bloggers who have been an inspiration for me during the past year – the list would literally go on and on. Hopefully I have had the same effect too! (*fingers crossed*)

Naturally, there is room for improvement and I always will continue to learn as much as I can. I’d like to thank everyone that has read, emailed and given me support whilst I’ve started this journey, it is genuinely humbling when people can connect with you and share the same passion that I do.


(P.S. This post was slightly overdue as I had been juggling quite a bit lately, but I will try my very best to keep posting as much as I can ☺♥)

Comfort Zone

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” – Neale D. Walsch

Hi guys!

Happy Sunday to you all! I hope you all have had a great weekend.

Going through difficulties is a necessary part of our existence, but how we go about facing and overcoming our adversaries ultimately adds meaning to our lives. ( I am pretty sure that I have just subconsciously paraphrased philosophers, monks or some unknown genius from Pinterest). Speaking of Pinterest, this week I was searching Pinterest for inspirational quotes, as you do, and I came across this quote by Neale Walsch and it honestly inspired me to just focus on doing what needs to be done (revision, work and this post haha) instead of worrying about how much I need to do get done.

I am not sure exactly what everyone else is currently dealing with in their lives, but I am a firm believer in the idea that we are meant to go through difficulties in life and that it is during this time in our life that we are forced to get out of our comfort zone and grow. Being able to grow and develop in every way possible always seems to be something that we all want to achieve but few people actually accept that we need to make changes to our own lifestyles and choices to be allow the changes we want to take place. Sometimes we are stuck in a cycle of being complacent about where we are at this point in our life to the point that it becomes a comfort zone for us, but clearly this will never get us anywhere.

The life that we truly want to have will only ever start once we move out of our comfort zone and work towards overcoming our problems, which naturally will require time and effort. Investment in our selves is the only way that you can get to where you want and start living life, which does not necessarily involve financial investment might I add, it merely involves spending time evaluating your life looking at where you are and where you want to be. We can not control the problems that life throws our way, but we are in control of how we choose to deal them.

For more inspirational posts, click here.

Living Buddha, Living Christ Review

Living Buddha, Living Christ Review

Hi everyone,

I hope you all have had a great weekend and are ready to start a new week! (I can just feel the groans through the screen haha). Normally, when I write blog posts the main focus is on fashion or specific products or causes, but one thing that I have never really touched on is spirituality. Although to most people spirituality may be a completely different topic altogether, for me it is something that I try to incorporate in all aspects of my life. So for this Sunday Inspiration post I decided to write about a book that I am currently reading by the renowned Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh called ‘Living Buddha, Living Christ’.

In this book Thich Nhat Hanh marries the core beliefs of Buddhism and Christianity whilst giving his own anecdotes of encounters where he has been inspired and has encouraged people of other faiths and backgrounds. The idea of finding links between different faiths plays quite an important role in my life as I have been surrounded by people from all walks of life as a child but as I have gotten older my personal beliefs have amalgamated all the other religions and thus been separated from my Christian upbringing – in short it can be quite confusing to understand exactly what beliefs I am committing myself to.

There was one particular part of this book that, so far, has stood out to me the most: Cultivating Compassion – which is a section in chapter seven. Hanh writes about there being Five Precepts in Buddhism that gradually help us to transform and thus transcend suffering. The first precept that is mentioned is the “awareness that lives everywhere are being destroyed” which is the origin of suffering. The recognition of the impermanence of life as a whole is one of the core truths for transcending suffering on a personal level but just focussing on ourselves is equally as limiting as not understanding this truth. Hanh takes this notion one step further by discussing the destruction of life and suffering in relation to killing stating that “No act of killing can be justified. And not to kill is not enough”.  It cannot be the case that we merely strive to ‘not kill’ and not cause suffering on a personal level but “We must also learn ways to prevent others from killing”. There should be a proactive effort to incorporate your belief against suffering as much as you can, especially when you are aware that there is more to be done! This very simple message resonates with me as it is this core belief that inspired my blog in the first place; my blog is not just about the products and causes but about us really embracing these values of kindness and compassion in our life like we do with the values from our cultures. I hope the message resonates with you all as it did with me, regardless of whether you are spiritual and religious or not.

“When we appreciate and honor the beauty of life, we will make every effort to dwell deeply in the present moment and protect all life.”

I hope you all enjoyed my Living Buddha, Living Christ review; I would love to know all of your thoughts on the topic of spirituality & life and whether there is anything (book, film, quote, can literally be anything) that has moved you. For more inspirational posts, click here.

And click here to get your copy of Living Buddha, Living Christ – Thich Nhat Hanh. 

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