Things Everyone Should Know About Mental Health & Wellbeing at Work

Happy Monday everyone! ☺

I hope you all are well. Now I know the last thing that you want to think about is work when you finish the day, but I think it’s important to acknowledge and understand these important pointers about your mental wellbeing in the workplace.

So here are ‘Things Everyone Should Know About Mental Health & Wellbeing at Work’.

Things Everyone Should Know About Mental Health & Wellbeing at Work

Your place of work shouldn’t be a place you dread going to, and if you do, it’s probably a sign that your mental health and wellbeing is being worn down gradually by what you experience there. That doesn’t have to be the case though. These days, issues relating to mental health are becoming highlighted more than ever, meaning many employers are now taking these issues seriously.

There are lots of things you can do to make sure that you care for your mental health at work, but it might mean making some changes to your general working habits and routines. But in the end, this will be more than worthwhile because you’ll be happier and more contented at work. Read on to learn more about this important issue; everyone should know about all of these things.


Remember That Your Employer Has a Duty of Care

Every business that employs people has a duty of care to those people. That means that if you feel like your business is mistreating you or not fulfilling their duty of care in some way, you should take action. That could even mean taking legal action if the problems you’re experiencing are really bad. There’s no need to simply accept poor practices by your employer.


Don’t be Afraid to Talk to Your Boss About Stress

Stress is the major mental health problems that people experience at work, and it’s not hard to see why. When you have a huge pile of work on your desk to get through the end of the day, it piles on the pressure and puts you through the ringer. You don’t want to be stressed every day because that leads to other mental health problems such as anxiety. Don’t hesitate to talk to your boss about the stress you’re experience because they might be able to cut your workload for you.


Pursue Training Opportunities and Watch Your Confidence Rise

One great way to make you feel better about your work is to make the most of the training and learning opportunities that come your way. When you make the most of such changes, you will improve your career, improve your skills and make yourself more employable going forward. It could eventually help you to clinch a promotion later in your career, and your confidence will grow continually. That will help your mental health because your attitude to your work will be more positive.


Don’t Accept Illegal Bullying Practices

If you feel like you’re the victim of bullying in the workplace, you shouldn’t feel like this is something that just has to be accepted. On the contrary, you are entitled to have those responsible disciplined and potentially fired because workplace bullying is against the law. Take action and report your problem at the first opportunity, and do it again each time something happens.


Learn How to Take Constructive Criticism the Right Way

One thing that can really damage your mental health is criticism if you take it in the wrong way. Of course, it’s the job of your superiors to make sure that the criticism they offer is always constructive and helpful. But some people can even take constructive criticism in the wrong kind of way. Be sure to always look for the positives in the negatives and use it as a motivator to get better and achieve more going forward. That way, you’ll take the criticism the right way.


Understand What HR Can Do For You

The human resources department of the company you work for is there for a reason. Its job is to make the relationships between the company and the people who work for it as smooth and positive as possible. It’s up to you to go to them and ask them what they do for you though because they probably won’t come to you and offer up their services. But there are lots of things that they can help you with, so it’s worth exploring what’s on offer.


When You Have the Chance to Get Involved in Decision-Making, Go For It

This is one positive way in which you can improve your own confidence and self-esteem. Employees always feel more valued and respected when they’re made part of the decision-making process. So, whenever the chance for you to do this comes alone, don’t be afraid to jump in and make the most of it. You will quickly find that you feel more invested in your work and what you do each day when you’re involved in calling the shots.


If Your Company Has an EAP, Make Use of It


These days, many companies have EAPs in place. That stands for Employee Assistance Programmes. They are focused on helping you out when you have specific needs that can’t be taken care of inside the business. An external company will usually provide the EAP services to the company, and then people like you can take advantage of those services. It’s a nice way in which the company can be there for you when you need help and assistance with specific issues.


Take Time Off When You Need It

If there are occasions when you need some time off, don’t be afraid to take that time off. If stress or depression or any other mental health issue is getting you down and making it impossible for you to do your job, take the time off. You should be entitled to sick pay, so you don’t need to lose out as much as you might think. There’s no sense pushing through and doing work when you’re not in the right or healthy frame of mind for it.

There are few things more important than your mental health, so don’t take shortcuts when it comes to how you care for yours at work. If you allow yourself to ignore this issue, you will damage your mental health and make yourself unhappy. There’s no need for that because people are becoming more aware of mental health issues at work each day.

I hope you all enjoyed this contribed post on ‘Things Everyone Should Know About Mental Health & Wellbeing at Work’ ☺

I have another post coming out tomorrow, so be sure to check it out guys! ♥

Comfort Zone

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” – Neale D. Walsch

Hi guys!

Happy Sunday to you all! I hope you all have had a great weekend.

Going through difficulties is a necessary part of our existence, but how we go about facing and overcoming our adversaries ultimately adds meaning to our lives. ( I am pretty sure that I have just subconsciously paraphrased philosophers, monks or some unknown genius from Pinterest). Speaking of Pinterest, this week I was searching Pinterest for inspirational quotes, as you do, and I came across this quote by Neale Walsch and it honestly inspired me to just focus on doing what needs to be done (revision, work and this post haha) instead of worrying about how much I need to do get done.

I am not sure exactly what everyone else is currently dealing with in their lives, but I am a firm believer in the idea that we are meant to go through difficulties in life and that it is during this time in our life that we are forced to get out of our comfort zone and grow. Being able to grow and develop in every way possible always seems to be something that we all want to achieve but few people actually accept that we need to make changes to our own lifestyles and choices to be allow the changes we want to take place. Sometimes we are stuck in a cycle of being complacent about where we are at this point in our life to the point that it becomes a comfort zone for us, but clearly this will never get us anywhere.

The life that we truly want to have will only ever start once we move out of our comfort zone and work towards overcoming our problems, which naturally will require time and effort. Investment in our selves is the only way that you can get to where you want and start living life, which does not necessarily involve financial investment might I add, it merely involves spending time evaluating your life looking at where you are and where you want to be. We can not control the problems that life throws our way, but we are in control of how we choose to deal them.

For more inspirational posts, click here.

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