Happy Sunday to you all! 🙂
I hope you’ve all had a great weekend and enjoyed all the crazy sales.
Today my source of inspiration comes from one of my friends, who has created a social media campaign to pause, reflect and celebrate our achievements of this year. The motto for the campaign is “Hold the New Year Resolutions, Have an End of Year Reflection!”
To share the positivity, you can post a tweet on something that you have achieved, are proud of, have accomplished or learnt in 2016, using the hashtags #EOYR2016 (End of Year Reflection 2016) or #2016Accomplishment on Twitter or Instagram. Just so you know, the first hashtag is the most important, so please try to use this even if you can’t use the other!
I’ll be adding mine on my Instagram account and a link to the post on Twitter, I would love to see what you all have to say, so please do take part share and spread the word! ☺♥